How to log in?

Step 1: Type the site domain/url into your browser, and add /wp-admin at the end (

Step 2: Enter your log-in credentials, press log in, and you will be brought to WordPress dashboard

How to edit/update a page?

Step 1: There is two ways to find/select the page you want to edit :

  • Go to the dashboard -> select your page from the page tree view. Do a mouse over to see the link edit.
  • Go to menu All pages -> select your page in the list. You can also search it by page title. Please note that the list is splitted in 3 pages.

Step2: Edit the page content in the page composer and click update when it’s done (or preview first your changes).

Step 3: Select the content you want to edit in the content area and click on the pencil (green icon).Please note that the backend and the frontend have nearly the same layout structure. Which facilitate the updates.

Step4: Once the changes are done, click on save (to save the text block you’ve just update)
+ Important! When all the changes are completed, click on update button to actually save the changes you’ve made.

Page composer

Page composer is drag and drop backend page builder solution that let you edit a page content easily.

You can add predefined elements divided in logic groups (title, text block, tabs, etc.). Then simply use your mouse to drag elements around to re-arrange them.

How to add a press release?

Step 1: Click on the tab “Press release” in the admin menu

Step 2: Click on the button “add new”

Step 3: Enter a title (only used in the admin) + a date + a description + upload a pdf file.

Step 4: Select a year

Step 5: Press the publish button to make your new press release visible on the site.

How to add a news? (Actualiteit)

Step 1: Click on the tab “News” in the admin menu

Step 2: Click on the button “add new”

Step 3: Enter a title and a content

Step 4: Choose a category

Step 5: Press the publish button to make your new post visible on the site.

Please note that you have some options (optional) in the publishing box

  • Preview button  : Allows you to view the post before officially publishing it.
  • Status : The main states are Published, Pending Review, and Draft. A Publishedstatus means the post has been published on your blog for all to see. Pending Review means the draft is waiting for review by an editor prior to publication. Draft means the post has not been published and remains a draft for you. If you select a specific publish status and click the update post or “Publish” button, that status is applied to the post.
  • To schedule a post for publication on a future time or date, click “Edit” in the Publish area next to the words “Publish immediately”. You can also change the publish date to a date in the past to back-date posts. Change the settings to the desired time and date. You must also hit the “Publish” button when you have completed the post to publish at the desired time and date.

How to insert a link into a post?

Step 1: Write the text you want to be a hyperlink or select the text.

Step 2: Click the make link button in the editor.

Step 3: Paste the link in the url field or link to existing content (page, etc.)

Step 4: Click on “add link” button.

How to upload & insert a pdf in a post/page?

Steps 1
Before to be able to link a pdf, the file must be uploaded to the site Media Library.

  • In the text editor, place your cursor where you want to insert the link
  • Click Add Media
  • Click Upload Files (from you computer) OR Select the file in the Media Library
  • Click Insert into page

Steps 2
The pdf file is uploaded/selected. On the right hand side set the Attachment Details
-> “Title” to the anchor text words you want to show on the page for your pdf link
-> “Link to” should be set to “Media File”

Steps 3
Click insert into post

Step 2 (Alternative)
Just copy the file path (field under “Link to”) and paste it in your text editor using the same method as “insert a link” 

How to send the newsletter

The newsletter is sent using MailChimp. MailChimp is a web-based application to manage email campaigns.

Step 1: Login to mailchimp
login/ pwd : carepropertyinvest/ cpiipc2014

Step 2: Go to Campaign (main menu) and click on “create campaign” (top right)

Step 3: Type of campaign -> Select “Regular ol’ Campaign”

Step 4: List -> select a list

Step 5: Complete the fields with the campaign info (subject, from name, etc.)

Step 6: Select a template -> saved template -> CPI newsletter template

Step 7: Edit dummy content with the MailChimp editor (simply copy/paste existing news from the site)

Step 8: Confirm all info (list, template, etc.) and click send or schedule to launch your campaign.

Watch also the tutorials in video :
